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Kingston Cohousing Co-operative

We are a cohousing group based in Kingston Ontario.  

We are in the development stage and still accepting new members.  We welcome more “burning souls” to join our core group and “interested observers” who want to be kept in the loop of our progress.

Many hands make light work!  If you'd like to join us in creating a thriving community, we'd love to work with you.  And then you'll forever have the prize of knowing you helped to create it.

Project Vision

Location: We are advancing discussions that we hope will lead to leasing a portion of the Providence Village site.

Mix of Dwellings: Combination of townhouses and apartments (studios to 3 bedrooms).

Diversity: Mix of young families, couples and singles across all ages.

Sustainability: Reduce carbon footprint by designing an eco-friendly building.
Ownership: Cooperative ownership, based on leased land from Providence Village. Housing Charges to be determined.

KCH Mission Statement:

To create an environmentally sustainable, multigenerational, inclusive, intentional, cohousing community, in the Kingston area. 

Vision Statement:

Kingston Cohousing will build 20-30 private dwellings, with shared outdoor and indoor space including gardens, dining and meeting rooms, workshops, etc. Cohousing seeks both to support community connection and limit the footprint of the private dwellings. We will use the principles of sociocracy as our governance model. We will explore potential partnerships as we move toward occupancy in the Kingston area by 2028.

Values Statement:

Inclusivity: different ages, abilities, orientations, ethnicities, financial capacities, openness and sense of belonging 

Neighbourliness: trust, acceptance, empathy, respect, interconnection, joy & play, creativity, sharing resources

Participation: integrity, responsibility, cooperation, communication, sharing time and skills; using a skilful conflict resolution process

Physical well-being: ecologically sustainable, accessible, healthy natural spaces.